C source of more or less quality and size... Dates in parentheses: Last update, begin of development. (all versions)
File | Ver | Description |
zzzupdate-af (2003-11-29 22:03) (2003-11-14 first) |
0.1.3 | audio file database maintainance tool for "Project Stream"; first checks current db for validity, then scans the base directory recursively for new files |
zzzutils (2003-11-29 22:20) (2003-08-07 first) |
0.1.4 | zzznowman's utilities -- useful code base (like Binary Tree implementation) to use in later programs (like "Project Stream"'s zzzupdate-af) |
zzztel (2004-08-15 23:36) (2003-12-04 first) |
0.1.3 | zzznowman's telephone numbers -- telephone database frontend (console); now uses ncurses and is partly usable; search dialog/feature still missing. |
zzzforward (2004-02-02 23:30) (2003-12-27 first) |
0.1.3 | forward data between arbitrary hosts connecting to it
and a fixed destination server/port:
(C++)(2004-10-12 02:35) (2004-09-27 first) |
0.2.3-zzz | bomberman clone (written in C++) -- cooperative project with bb-generation
(or, at least, I've worked on his code base; "unapproved" as of 2004-10-12 02:37)
(Prerelease)(2005-03-16 22:42) (2005-03-01 first) |
0.8.2-pre | bgrep means binary grep.
It scans files (especially block devices) for blocks matching given patterns or CRC32 hashes.
This can be used for disaster recovery, e.g. restoring parts of deleted files on ext3 partitions given CRC32 hashes of the data blocks are available; but as bgrep in this version only outputs the block number of matching blocks, this requires some (read: a lot ;) ) additional manual work using combinatory thinking and dd. (Don't expect large files on ext[23] to be laid out continously on disk; every now and then, there are indirect blocks inserted or other data is interleaved.) Please note that this is only a preversion of what bgrep once might become. |
Shell scripts, Perl scripts
Here are some small scripts for Bash and Perl I found to be more or less useful for myself. The scripts are shell scripts if not indicated otherwise. Dates in parentheses: Last update, (sometimes estimated) begin of development. (all versions)
File | Ver | Description |
zzzdl (2003-10-06 01:33) (2003-03-09 first) |
– | download command line argument, log URL to FILE.log ;
optionally date-tag both (using -d )
zzzwget (2003-06-08 15:04) (2003-04-23 first) |
– | download files whose URLs are in _url in the cwd
(or in the file specified with -f ; supports entering passwords at
runtime and putting the resulting password-containing URLs in a
temporary file only readable by the user. (The file is removed
even when aborted/if crashed.)
zzzendec (2003-10-13 11:16) (2003-10-13 first) |
0.1 | encrypt/decrypt a file, optionally "securely" delete it after encryption |
zzzwipe (2003-10-13 14:33) (2003-10-13 first) |
0.1.1 | "securely" delete a file, by overwriting it with randomness |
(Perl)(2003-10-17 19:22) (2003-10-17 first) |
0.1.0 | generate unique logfile name; check for existence of previous logfiles with a given name
(Perl)(2004-04-30 22:42) (2003-11-18 first) |
0.1.4 | encode to and decode from Morse code (includes new code for '@')
(Irssi, Perl)(2004-04-30 22:36) (2003-11-18 first) |
0.1.4 | encode to and decode from Morse code (includes new code for '@') (Irssi script version) |
(Perl)(2003-12-12 03:52) (2003-01-11 first) |
0.1.3 | scans directories (given as arguments or current working directory) for symlinks
and checks whether the file they point to exists;
includes short broken/total statistic
(Perl)(2003-12-12 03:36) (2003-12-12 first) |
0.1.3 | scans directories (given as arguments or current working directory) for symlinks;
checks them for and fixes "known ambiguities" local to zzz4 --
but modifying it for another environment should be fairly easy:
just put some other s/// / s### (substitution) lines in place of the current ones fixrelsymlinks outputs some statistics at the end, warns when a detected ambiguity could not be fixed and gives error messages when a symlink can neither be fixed nor points to an existing file now
(Perl)(2003-12-21 16:31) (2003-12-21 first) |
0.1.4 | splits Ogg streams into separate files for each track;
may also be used with pipes like this:wget http://my.stream.server:8080/stream.ogg -O- -qq | zzzsplitstream - this will stream from the specified source and split into separate ogg files on-the-fly
(Perl)(2004-02-05 05:08) (2003-12-23 first) |
0.1.3 | scans directories (given as arguments or current working directory) for symlinks
whose target matches a given search pattern (regex);
prints out those symlinks that match on a single line each like find(1);
optionally prints out the link's target as well
zzzrecode.pl (Irssi version)
(Perl, Irssi)(2004-02-10 23:01) (2004-02-10 first) |
0.1.1 | recodes data received from IRC network:
transforms UTF-8 characters to ISO-8859-1 |
(Perl)(2004-04-05 18:36) (2004-04-05 first) |
0.1 | expands URL escapes (e.g., %20) in file names to the real character
(for %20, this would be a space)
(Perl)(2004-04-24 15:31) (2004-04-24 first) |
0.1 | calculates the difference between a (e.g. birth) date and now;
if the given date lies in the past, also calculates difference
to next anniversary
(Perl, Irssi)(2005-08-17 04:22) (2005-08-12 first) |
0.1.5 | Encodes own messages to AOL IM users as HTML and decodes messages from them.
Beware the limitations.
(Perl)(2006-06-05 06:20) (2006-05-19 first) |
0.2.3 | zib is zzznowman's IRC bot. It's based on Net::IRC and written in a rather modular way, so large parts of its code base will be reloadable at run time, enabling incremental development without need of restarts or reconnects. Currently, only the request handlers (ZIB::RequestHandlers, defining what "commands" zib knows and reacts to,) are reloadable at runtime, though. |
Some small patches that fix various aspects of software packages written by others. Sometimes it's a matter of taste, though, so use at your own risk! Again, the dates in parentheses are last update and begin of development. (all versions)
Patch | For | Description |
qmail-1.03-zzz-[…].patch (2003-10-12 17:09) (2003-09-25 first) |
qmail 1.03 | Accommodate qmail (qmail-remote , to be more precise,) to my personal needs...
SuSE-7.0_secchk-zzz.patch (2003-10-04 19:44) (2003-10-04 first) |
SuSE's secchk package for SuSE Linux 7.0 | fix various aspects of SuSE's cron-activated security check package
which caused problems on at least one server for a long time...
Misc files
Some misc files like configuration files in users' homedirectories etc. (all versions)
File | For | Description |
screenrc (2018-05-05 18:04) (2002-08-18 first) |
GNU Screen 3.09.11 (not to be confused with splitscreen )
screenrc fragment providing a sophisticated status bar / caption string (see comments in file) Since 2007-10-13, it also contains pointers to other settings and unobvious uses of screen. There has been a previous version of this file, which contained the global screenrc example which is distributed with screen. It is still available as screenrc-20040815. |