Derzeit gibt es folgende UFPS-Produkte zum Download:
Produkt | Version | Beschreibung |
StdH | V1.0 | Standard Helpers Diese UFPS-Standardbibliothek wird für die meisten UFPS-Produkte zwingend benötigt. Aus Platzgründen ist sie gesondert erhältlich und in den weiteren Setup-Paketen nicht enthalten. Einige Programme funktionieren allerdings bereits nach installation der Visual Basic 6.0-Runtime. |
AutoSaver | V0.2 | Automatical File Saver Dieses Tool überwacht das Clipboard und speichert seinen Inhalt als Bitmap mit eindeutigem, fortlaufendem Dateinamen, wann immer dieser sich ändert. Sie können den Pfad und den Anfangsteil des Namens der neuen Datei spezifizieren. |
CutFile | V0.2 | Cut a File Dieses Tool zerteilt Dateien. Sie müssen Quell- und Zieldateinamen, das Anfangsbyte und die gewünschte Länge angeben. Aber das verwendete Verfahren ist sehr langsam, also versuchen Sie bitte nicht, Dateien mit einer Größe von über 1-10 MByte zu bearbeiten! ;) |
DeskColors | V0.1 | Desktop Colors Prototype of a tool for circling colors on the desktop. In this version, it's only inside the application's window. |
V0.3 | In this version, it uses a temporary desktop wallpaper
bitmap filled with the cycling color to set the desktop
background collor. Attention: This version of the program might make the system run out of free GDI resources, i. e. the system might crash!!! Attention: This version of the program uses the windows scripting host, so "wshom.ocx" has been included. Without having dependencies for this file, it won't work unless WSH is installed previously. |
V1.3 | 'Do It In 155'/'Mach's mit 155' 'Do It In 155' is a registered trademark of Arxon, Norway. Program written by Fabian Pietsch, Beethovenring 70, 31275 Lehrte, Germany. Simply drag the small rings over bigger rings or empty pegs to move them. Moving only one ring at a time, the subject is to move all 5 rings in correct order from peg 1 to 2, 2 to 3, ..., 5 to 6 in as less moves as possible. |
GTA2Cars | V1.1 | GTA2 Cars Manipulator This tool manipulates the cars in GTA2's 'nyc.gci' car information file. |
HLCC | V1.5 | Half-Life Compiler Controller This tool controlls compiler invocation, parameters and values. Variables and nested variables are implemented. The compilers' output is collected and stored in a seperate output window. |
PiGen | V0.2 | Pi Generator This is a Pi generator, i. e. it generates the mathematical constant π ('Pi'; used for circular calculations). There are two ways of doing so implemented in this version: 'stripes' and 'shoot'. |
PicView | V0.2 | Picture Viewer This is a tool for viewing pictures and (auto-)rotating the desktop wallpaper through the selected list of files. Commandline options for this: /rotate, /auto, /remove; for details: /? |
SpaceWars | V1.0 | Space Wars This is a 2D game. The object is to control flight of a spaceship (cursor keys accelerate/deaccelerate/rotate, ctrl slows down movement) and shoot at 20 enemies each level (space means fire). |
UnixTime | V0.1 | Unix Time This is a tool for converting unix-style time stamps (e. g. '978307200') to 'human-readable' format (e. g. 2001-01-01, depending on your localization settings) forth and back. |
Letzte Änderung am 08.10.2001 |